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- General bible discussionsTime to unlearn the lies Welcome dear friends. May God bless you as you seek Him through His Word. All you have to do is turn on the news today to see that the signs of the times of the end of the world are being fulfilled in quick succession. Nearly everyday we see wars and rumours of wars, pestilence has been ravaging the world already for some time in many forms and of more recent COVID-19, natural disasters are happening more severely and in quick succession. God’s judgements are coming to all those who do not believe and follow His Word. According to the scriptures just prior to His coming there will be two classes of Christians. All fall asleep while waiting for the bridegroom. One class purchased extra oil without money and without price and when the call was made to go out and meet the bridegroom, they trimmed their lamps (the Word of God) and went out to meet Him. The other class we are told did not purchase enough oil and when the call was made their lamps went out and they were sitting in darkness and could not find their way because the road was too dark and narrow until the door was shut and when they arrived, they were locked out of the marriage and lost everything because God did not know them. Likewise, we are told that Babylon has fallen representing fallen Christianity that promotes man-made teachings and traditions over the Word of God. Jesus is calling us all out to trim our lamps to get ready for the marriage where Jesus will marry (unite) with His bride (the Church). Only those who purchase enough oil (faith in Gods’ Word to receive His Spirit), will be able to find their way because they trimmed their lamps (know the truth of Gods’ Word through His Spirit) to find their way to the marriage when the call is being made to go out and meet the bridegroom because the road is dark and narrow and will keep all those in darkness if their lamps (the truth of Gods Word) go out. The call is being made today dear friend. Have you trimmed your lamp? Do you know the truth of Gods’ Word or are you following in the lies we have been taught from the teachings and traditions of men that have led “the many” away from Gods’ Word to break the commandments of God leading many to sit in darkness when Jesus is calling us all back to His Word to worship Him in Spirit and in truth? These are questions we must all ask ourselves personally and only we can personally answer them prayerfully asking God are we ready? Do we know the truth of your Word Lord? How do I know that I am following God’s Word and not the man-made teachings and traditions of men that have led “the many” away from God and His Word to break the commandments of God? The latter according to Jesus are not worshiping God according to the scriptures (Matthew 15:3-9) Jesus is calling us all and says the hour is coming and NOW IS, that the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him MUST worship him in spirit and in truth. God is calling us all back to His Word to worship Him in Spirit and in truth. This thread is about unlearning the lies we have all been taught in Sunday schools and in regard to “Sunday worship” Which is a man-made teaching and tradition that has led many away from God and His Word. ............... QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION? 1. What are the lies we are being taught in Sunday school in regards to Gods' 10 commandments? 2. Where does it say in the scriptures that Sunday is "the Lords day"? 3. Where does it say in the scriptures that God's seventh day Sabbath has been abolished and we are now commanded to keep Sunday as a holy day of rest? ............... It's time to unlearn the lies we have all be fed and to seek Jesus for ourselves through His Word asking Jesus to teach us His Word so that we can know the truth of His Word personally for ourselves. God promises all of us... "You shall seek me, and find me, when you shall search for me with all your heart." - Jeremiah 29:13. God is calling us all to return to Him because he loves us and is not willing that any should perish *2 Peter 3:9. He promises that "if any man wants to know the truth of Gods' Word they will know if we turn away from the teachings of men and seek Him for it *John 7:17. All we need to do is ask him and believe His Word and claim His promises (see also John 16:13; John 14:26; John 7:17; 1 John 2:27; Hebrews 8:11). None of us should be afraid of coming to the light of Gods' Word to see if we are really in the faith of Gods' Word or not. Let God bless you through His Word. Friendly discussion please please provide scripture for your view. May God bless you all as you seek Him through His Word. more to come...Like
- General bible discussions(Continued from the thread What exactly is the beast's mark?) Catholic Record (September 1, 1923): The [catholic] Church is above the Bible, and this transference of the Sabbath observance is proof of that fact. At one time I would have been aghast at that statement. But in recent years I was introduced to the question of who decides what is scripture and what isn't. Whoever gets to decide is in some way above the Bible. It's either a group of Christians (possibly the Catholic Church) or the individual, basically me.Like
- Bible prophecy discussionsFrom The Mark of the Beast page, "This second beast is the United States of America which will lead the way of enforced Sunday worship which will be followed by the United nations of the world." Does this mean that they will pass a law in the USA that everyone will have to engage in Christian worship on Sunday? Or just any kind of worship? Like for Hindus, will they be required to engage in some kind of Hindu-style worship on Sunday? So if a Hindu worships Krishna on Sunday after that law is passed, will they have the mark of the beast on them?Like
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